We have been and still are using imaging methods, in particular: ultrasound, Doppler, MRI, and PET, trying to improve their diagnostic capabilities or to describe the morphofunctional characteristics of patients and healthy subjects


Application of predictive models for the evaluation of sulci, using MRI data available on public databases (ADNI)

​Genetic imaging studies on aging and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, healthy controls)​

Neurostimulation for rehabilitation purposes in psychiatric and neurological diseases with the use of personalized protocols through
neurophysiological measures (TMS-EEG, fMRI)


Study of power spectral density in Doppler signals (Todros, Saccomandi)

Doppler flowmetry: signal analysis methodologies (Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering, Saccomandi) Doppler measurements in curvilinear vessels (Todros, Balbis, Roatta)

Doppler measurements in curvilinear vessels (Todros, Balbis, Roatta)
Cardiovascular fluid dynamics: experimental measurements and simulations in curved vessels’ (Tesi Ph.D. Fluid dynamics UNITO-POLITO Balbis)
Method for the estimation of the measurement error of blood flow velocity in curved vessels (Patent)
3D Power Doppler (Todros, Gaglioti)

Quality control in Sonography and Doppler (Spagnolo, INRIM)
Creating the C.R.U.M. (Center of Reference for Ultrasound in Medicine)
Awareness-raising activities through CME courses